The Nowa Nowa Copper Project tenement (EL 006183) is located in Eastern Victoria, 270km east of Melbourne and 8km north of the township of Nowa Nowa.
The prospects are located within the Silurian Yalmy Group and Devonian Snowy River Volanics of the Buchan Rift zone within the Lachlan Fold Belt. Previous works identified extensive Silurian volcanics believed to be the same rocks that host important volcanogenic massive sulphide base metal deposits in Victoria and southern NSW.

Figure – Nowa Nowa Regional Geology and Mineral Occurrences
The focus at Nowa Nowa Copper is the Three Mile prospect which was originally labelled as a moderately strong well-defined magnetic anomaly that was detected in the 1980s. In the late 1990s 9 drillholes were drilled on a single grid east west traverse line over a distance of around 600m. Drilling interested a sequence of acid volcanics underlain by chloritized carbonates, quartzose sediments and volcanics.

Figure : Three Mile Section