Lake Johnston project consists of a number of tenements E63/2174, E63/2175, E63/2212, and E63/2219 located in the Lake Johnston area, approximately 100km west of Norseman, WA. They collectively comprise some 93 sub blocks for around 280km2.
The geology of the Lake Johnston Greenstone Belt is recognised as an Archaean supracrustal sequence dominated by mafic volcanic rocks. Most of the belt has been metamorphosed to amphibolite-facies assemblages and is strongly deformed and intruded by at least three generations of granitic rocks, including pegmatites.
Whilst the tenements area has been poorly explored in the past, recent exploration in the Lake Johnston area has clearly demonstrated the occurrence of lithium mineralisation in association with pegmatites at the Medcalf and Mt Day prospects. Charger Metals have recently been active in the Lake Johnston area, and have announced highly favourable results from drilling at their ‘Medcalf’ prospect.
Figure: Project Location